Monday, May 10, 2010

Cinco de Mayo and Lamington National Park!

Hey everybody, this week has been pretty exciting. In biology we've started learning about Australian wildlife. We had a lecture on Australian lizards and the lecturer brought in actual geckoes in a jar for us to see and even passed around a skink that we got to hold! I was excited to see if there were any live snakes in our snake lecture but there weren't. We also had a lecture on Australian birds and got to learn about this crazy bird called a lyrebird. It can imitate other birds and even other miscellaneous sounds it hears! Click here to check it out. Cinco de Mayo was a lot of fun, I had some tacos for dinner and ate some chips with salsa and guacamole too! Our friends Mike and Julian had people over at their house so we went over there for the night. They had put up all these decorations and we even played pin the tail on the donkey! Lots of people came throughout the night so it was a good chance to catch up with everyone. At the end of the week, our biology class went on a field trip to Lamington National Park for the day. It was a couple hours drive towards Sydney, so it was a little bit cooler than up north. The trees in the park were really cool to look at, they had lots of roots going everywhere and vines and ferns were all over the forest. It was pretty rough walking, lots of tree roots and rocks and I kept tripping over them as we were walking. Someone said we walked around 12 kilometers which would be just over seven miles! So I was pretty tired out by the end of the day but it was a fun trip. A few of us stayed behind to take pictures and before we knew it we had lost the group! We were lost for around half an hour while we tried to figure out which forks in the trail they took and looking at the map to see where we guessed they were going. But eventually we were able to catch up and other than that the rest of the trip was smooth and easy. When we were heading out of the park we even got to see some paddymelons, little brown wallabies that live in the forest. Here's a picture. Overall it was a really fun week!

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